
Showing posts from January, 2015

2014/15 NY Resolution

The jellyfish is back! Posting 2015 New Year's resolution at this date (End-Jan), because simply putting a resolution on End-Dec / Early-Jan is way too mainstream! XD Ok, once look and you know that isn't the real reason. It's just that there are too many things to do (URECA) and school starting on mid-Jan isn't helping much to the workload. At last, I finally have some time to reflect on the past year! =D  ========================================== 2014 has been a rather normal-year. Doesn't seem to be particularly interesting! Taking a look at the 2014 goals... 1. Maintaining GPA to be at least 4.2. (Achieved! Currently 4.65) 2. Clear RT and FT (O.O) 3. Get Patrick to score well (Didnt happen, but hey he passed) 4. Find a gf (Failed) 5. Get a decent job and not slack during the 12 week holiday (Er...!!!) Ok, that's just saying that the academics are there, but the non-academics are not there. Gotta balance up my life a bit! Ah, what